Glossary — B


Balanced translocation: also known as balanced chromosomal translocation. A chromosomal translocation is a condition caused by two breakages in two chromosomes, followed by an exchange and then a rejoining of the broken ends to produce a new chromosomal arrangement. A balanced translocation happens when there is an even exchange of materials with no genetic information extra or missing.

Biopsy: the taking of a small piece of tissue from a living subject for pathological examination.

Blastocyst: the stage of embryo developpment at which the embryonic cells have differentiated into trophoectoderm (TE) layer and inner cell mass (ICM), with formation of a blastocoelic cavity. The trophoectoderm will form the placenta and fetal membranes, and the fetus will develop from the inner cell mass.



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Blastomere: undifferentiated cells of an embryo, formed by cell division of an fertilized egg.